Creative Workshop with Petra Stein
I went to a creative workshop day with Petra Stein as an art teacher. Petra and her friend Joke have a Faceboek group JOP's Kunst Kroeg. After request of several people Petra organised a workshop tour across the country. She lives in Limburg herself but even came to The Haque for the workshop day. For me this meant that I did not have to travel very far this time.

We had a nice small group of 11 people and made a creative mess on our table.

We made a mixed media art journal spread or a mixed media canvas. I worked in a homemade art journal. Several layers of collage, paint from messy to more organised until I thought that the page was finished.
Can you tell I am not really very good in making portrets?

The art work from Petra and from Joke where given to a lucky winner.
I won Joke's girl. No really, we both did the same workshop. Actually all the results where totally different. My kind of workshop. I am not a fan of workshops where everyone goes home with almost a copy of the teachers art work.

Lately I am also a bit into memory planners. From this day I made a few pages. You can watch them here in a slideshow. A couple of nice pages from this workshop day with Petra Stein.