Blast from the past: Top2000 blog party 2015
Are you joining this fun blogparty for all creatives that Marit Barentsen organizes each last week of the year. Everyone can join.
This blogpost contains all the art work I made for the Top 2000 blog party of 2015. I removed the original blogposts to clean up the website a bit, but I like leaving the art work available.
You can see my entries for other years in similar blast from the past post, go for 2012 here , 2013 here and 2014 here
December 25, 2015:
Nr 1869 Slade with Merry Xmas everybody
My first page for this day is also a kind of Christmas card.

Nr 1827 Village people with YMCA

December 26, 2015:
Nr1731 Osmonds with Crazy Horses
Background is an old page with stains of different colors of bister. I added the contour of horses and painted with green fluorescent paint around the horses.

Nr1549 Daniel Lohuens with Op 't platteland
For this song Op 't platteland (ïn the countryside") I used a circle background made with a gelliplate and blue and green brusho in water. Added collage with all kind of magazin clippings with animals that can be seen in the dutch countryside.

December 27, 2015:
Nr1381 Emeli Sandé with Clown

Nr 1390 Sam Smith with Writing's on the wall

December 28, 2015: Only one page for today
Nr 1106 Jeff Wayne & Justin Hayward with Forever Autumn
I made only one page today, because of the busy christmas days.
The background is a gelliplate print with leaves and added bister grains.

December 29, 2014:
In a messy mood when I made the pages for this day. Both are mostly collage with some watercolor paint. And the subjects are songs of two of Europe's capital cities.
Nr 860 Ralph McTell with Streets of London

Nr 733 Kenny B with Parijs

December 30, 2015:
nr 448 Al Stewart with Year of the Cat
A page with a background with inksprays and collage of scraps of gelliprinted deli paper
On top of this a cat that I cut out of a coloring page.

nr 378 Anouk with Birds
The background was made like the page of year of a cat. On top of this some stencilling and paint.

December 31, 2015: The last day
Here are my last two pages for this year's blog party
nr 80: Robbie Williams with Angels
Being inspired by the class Angels among us from Kara Bullock I just had to make angels even though these where quick and with less detail.

nr 6 Billy Joel with Piano Man
Made this drawing using a black pen only.

Leuk Carla, je oude werk voor de top 2000 weer voorbij te zien komen – ik herinner me er zelfs een paar! (en da’s knap hoor, want er komen gemiddeld zo’n 35 tot 40 inzendingen per dag binnen gedurende die week!) Ik zie uit naar prachtig nieuw werk van je over een week of twee… veel plezier alvast!!
Ja vind het zelf ook wel leuk om al die oude dingen te zien. Mijn 8e jaar alweer. Ben zelf ook benieuwd wat ik ga maken.