Blast from the past: Lifebook 2013 part 2

Lifebook 2013 ecourse

from Tamara Laporte

This is part 2 of the lessons I made for Lifebook, a lifelong ecourse organised by Tamara Laporte from Willowing.

Below you will find my original blogposts only slightly edited to fit my new website format. The original blogpost are no longer on my website. Want to know why read this intro post.

Like I said this is part 2, you can find part 1 here.

Lifebook 2013 episode 8 July 18, 2013 |

Yeah. Totally motivated by the giveaway in week 28 (you had to answer a few questions, one of them was finish an old lesson and post it). I finished a few more lessons. Now keep my fingers crossed for a nice prize.

Week 12 lesson is about Celebration and Connection by Mindy Lacefield.
Layers with writing, dylusions, acrylpaint and more. Very much loved to do this, I am definitely learning to play and make a mess and get something nice out of it. There is a glitter in this page but you can hardly see it.

Lifebook 2013

Week 26 lesson is about Stencils, Masks and More by Joann Loftus. Lots of fun making this. Hope you like my new Lifebook pages, still 7 weeks behind

Lifebook 2013

Life Book episode 9 August 2, 2013 |

Finished two more lessons of Lifebook 2013. The first is the lesson by Effy Wild from week 20
This was a lesson about artful shamanism were we make a tree.
I made a blog on the 25 of june about making cards as a present for students of a class I attended.
On these cards I made trees with some text to give them power.
These cards were in dutch, but I used about the same lines for my tree on the life book lesson page. Made a background with dylusions and used acryl paint (kindertoververf) in gold and green for the tree and the leaves.

Lifebook 2013

A totaly different page I made with Dina Wakley’s lesson for week 30. Hopefully the weather cools down a little so I will be able to finish more lessons. Until next time.

Lifebook 2013

Lifebook episode 10 August 14, 2013 |

For the first time since I started lifebook I finished a lesson within 2 days of the posting of the lesson. This weeks lesson (week 33) by Mindy Lacefield was so much fun and easy for me that I just had to make it yesterday afternoon. And this is the result. I call mine: "Playing together".

lifebook 2013

The second lesson I finished turned into a monster. All over the lifebook pages I see these beautiful results with the week 31 lesson by Jeanette Maisy House. I was a little wild (maybe the result of doing workshops by Effy Wild or because of the lesson by Mitsi B, see below). Started real nice and friendly and then got absolutely crazy and made a monster. Have to do this lesson again in the future and make something beautiful.

Lifebook 2013

Finally finished Mitsi B’s lesson for week 25 after starting all over again
For this lesson you had to make a large page by taping together 6 pages and then fold it
The first tape did not stick. The second tape did but did not hold paint or the pages got glued to each other. When folding it,  it would not open again, total frustration
I tried everything and should have know better because with the quirky bird lesson I had the same problem and started over also. Finally I used totally wrong paper from a large calender, used a layer of gesso as coating and turned up with this on the inside.

Lifebook 2013

The other side looks like this. The right upper part is not painted this part is needed to bind the pages together.

Lifebook 2013

Only 5 weeks behind now, seems like I am catching up and that with all the other workshops I started taking.

Lifebook episode 11 August 21, 2013 |

Yeah I did it again. Finished Tamara Laporte’s lesson the week it was posted and here it is the result of week 34. Me and piggy, because I always had a fondness for pigs.

Lifebook 2013

I also finished the week 32 lesson by Effy Wild
A lesson with hearts and because of BOD I was already into hearts anyway
This page has a background of colored tissuepaper and dylusions. Nice to mention is that I had this colored tissue paper lying around for maybe 30 years. So funny that Effy was using this for this lesson and I thought: I think I have something like that. This paper bleeds color so not all the color is from the dylusions.

And the hearts also have a layer of twinkling H2O’s, which is not very clear to see on a picture but in real life it has a nice shimmer.

Lifebook 2013

Lifebook episode 12 August 25, 2013 |

Two more lifebook 2013 lessons finished. The first is the week 21 lesson by Dion Dior
Colorfull flowers with the use of twinkling H2Os. Dion makes beautiful flower paintings with these twinkling H2Os check out her website if you are interested. The twinking H2Os contain mica which gives a nice shine, but that is not easy to capture on a photo.
One of my favorite flowers is an iris but it is not the easiest flower to paint, but I still like the result
Should do something with the border of this painting because I had a little trouble with it.

Lifebook 2013

The other lesson I finished is the week 27 lesson by Tamara Laporte. A real mixed media piece which I loved making.

Lifebook 2013

Lifebook episode 13 september 19, 2013 |

With all the things going on in my life I still managed to find some relaxing time and did two more lifebook lessons.
The first is the week 36 lesson of Tamara Laporte about mindfullness art and contains an image transfer using transparancy sheet and gel medium. I made a photoshop collage of my own art work and a picture of myself. This was transfered om tje dress of the girl on my final pages and edges of the page were decorated with melted wax crayons.

Lifebook 2013
Lifebook 2013

The other lesson it did was the inkblot butterfly by Kelly Hoernig for week

Lifebook 2013

Lifebook episode 14 October 20, 2013 |

Totally in the fall mood this week. Everything falls apart around me and art sort of keeps me going
Also had a severe cold this week, due to low energy reserves I guess. In the garden fall is starting to show and leaves are falling, but some plants are at their high now.

For the week 41 lesson by Tamara we played with a gelli plate and stamps and I played with autumn colors. I cut my first stamp in years from a eraser gum. Since it was rather thick I used both sides, so one gum two stamps.

Made a page with a background of gelli plate print using gold and orange “kindertoververf” (that is a acrylic paint with glycerin made for children sold by V&D) and my homemade stamp
It doesn’t made a smooth layer on the gelliplate like other acrylic paint does, and I like that effect
On this picture below you can see the effect. It leaves spaces without paint, like air bubbles

Then I used the same paint in green and brown to make prints with the stamp I made
Added words and used a paper with punched out leaves as a homemade stencil to stencil some small leaves scattered all over the page
The picture below shows the glitter of the gold paint when I hold the page different for the picture

And this is the total result.

Lifebook 2013

Lifebook 2013 episode 15 December 7, 2013 |

It has been a while but I finished a few more lifebook lessons.

Week 42 was Celebrating with Washi Tape with Aimee Myers Dolich, using scraps of paper en washi tape and words describing 2013. I made a folded page, here a picture of the closed front and the page opened.

Lifebook 2013
Lifebook 2013

The next lesson was from week 43 Nature as Art with Julie Fei-Fan Balzer. A lesson with a background of gelliplate print with leaves and flowers.

Lifebook 2013

The last lesson I show today is week 44 lesson Favourite Words with Monica Zuniga. Just playing with watercolor paint and markers.

Lifebook 2013

Lifebook 2013 episode 16 December 18, 2013 |

A few more lessons of lifebook 2013 finished, still want to do them all before the end of this year, but………. The holidays will take some time preparing to because I have family and friends in my house all days
I finished week 45 by Tamara Laporte
The weather still looks more autumn like here and there are a lot of leaves, so I used one big one for this page. I was also on holiday with not much material and decided to use watersoluble crayons for the background . (my holiday cheaper ones, so not so good soluble as neocolor II).

Lifebook 2013

The second lesson I did with not much material was, week 48 with Melody Ross.
Without a printer I decided to write down the words with metalic pens and used some stickers to create a border. Painted the page with yellow and orange with some perlescent medium and all together it gave this sunny page.

Lifebook 2013

The last lesson I want to share with you in this blogpost is week 50 lesson with Jeanette House.
A page with a winter theme of snow and ice. When I was almost finished with it I decided to make this page my digital christmas card for this year.

Lifebook 2013

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