Posts Tagged ‘woord van het jaar’
Word of the year
I have chosen a new word for this year. This is something that has been done for years in the art journal communities and I have Doing this since 2013. For the dutch who are members of my free creative group, here is some more info about this: je nog geen lid meld je gratis aan, gezellig als je erbij komt)
For this year I chose: Connect

Connect is a word with so many forms. You can connect with like minded people, make connections all over the world and also connect with your inner self.
After I had chosen this word, I thought, didn't I use this before, and looked that up. And yes I had used the word also in 2013. A year where I started to do more art journal courses and connect was for me connecting with more creative people.
The 5 earth years: 2013 and 2022
The year 2013 was in Nine Star Ki a 5 earth year and for me it ended with the death of an aunt, leaving us with an uncle with alzheimer and losing my job I had for more than 33 years. Not a very good year. And what do you think about the fact that I choose the same word for 2022, which is also a 5 earth year. Well we will see what this year brings.
Old art from 2013:
2013 was the first year I joined Lifebook, a yearlong art course, for the first time. I did a total of six years of Lifebook and learned a lot. The pictures below are some of the lessons I made then with that word.

Do you choose a word of the year?
If yes, what is that word?