Posts Tagged ‘Found Poetry’
Blast from the past Found Poetry Friday 2014 part 2
This is part two of the Blast from the past: Found Poetry Friday from 2014. You can find part one here: In that post you can find more links to previous found poetry friday posts and also to an introduction to these Blast from the Past posts.
Found Poetry Friday sep19 September 19, 2014
Since long a new poem for found poetry friday. See more about this on Marit's blog
I played with an old background ( a piece of paper I use when making art and gets covered with lots of layers and text from magazines
And made this simple text for everyone who likes to create but has never started
Found Poetry Friday sep26 September 26, 2014
A new found poem for this friday.

Found Poetry Friday special October 3, 2014
Yesterday was Marit Barentsen's birthday and since she started Found Poetry Friday I made a special double page birthday card found poem

Found Poetry Friday october 10, 2014 October 10, 2014
Today another page on a gelliplate printed background. Just love my gelliplate, hihi.
My inspiration for this page came from the fact that I am so happy with all my art friends all over the world and the easy way to connect via the internet. Without much friends who are into art or have time in real live, I am happy with the internet connections that keep the inspiration going. And for all of you who are afraid to share, come on share, show, have fun and learn.

Found Poetry Friday october 19 October 19, 2014
A bit later than friday with my found poem. On an acrylic paint background I glued some leaves I had used to make gelli plate prints with. They collected such beautiful paint layers.
Found in my stash op paper a few lines and a few letters and made this page

Friday october 24 October 24, 2014
A new week and a new poem. When looking for words in my collection of magazine cut outs I came across the text: Flower of Life. Searched for some more lines and words to go with that and I decided to draw a large flower. I also found an old drawing of an eye I made in the 90's
I am trying to do some clearing of all things lying around and decided to cut up that really bad drawing and use the iris for my flower.

Found Poetry Friday november 7 November 7, 2014
Another Friday and another found poem. The small text in the lower right corner is:
Be who you are and
say what you feel,
because those who mind
don't matter,
and those who matter
don't mind

Found Poetry Friday, november 14 November 14, 2014
A new found poem with old pictures from a course of Marit Barentsen (the founder of the Found Poetry Friday look here up at Marit's paperworld)

Found Poetry friday, december 12, 2014 December 12, 2014
Been busy but made a found poem again yesterday. This time more collage and no gelli plate background for a change.
Started with one paper from Flow magazin and mushrooms from the Natuurmonumenten magazin. And a bunch of words and sentences.

With glue and some markers this is the end result.

A mixed Dutch English poem:
Original All Dutch All English
Je eigen Je eigen You're own
Begin Begin Start
Down to earth Nuchter Down to earth
Domweg gelukkig Domweg gelukkig Simply happy
The world is not so small De wereld is niet zo klein The world is not so small