Its oktober again so a lot of people are joining inktober again. I did not but wanted to share some of the inktober vibe. For years oktober is the time for the challenge by Jake Parker to make ink drawings each day this month. Jake makes the official prompt list you can use as your subject of the drawing. Some are easy and some are hard, but so great to use your imagination to come up with a page using the prompt of the day. Since it is a popular thing to do a lot of people make there own prompt lists nowadays.
I joined in 2017 with a small handmade journal and made drawings with india ink and a nip pen (dip pen or for the dutch: kroontjespen) only for the whole month. I was very happy to finish all those pages, some of the prompts where not so easy. Apparently I had a lot of inspiration then.
In 2018 I did the same, using a same journal, since I made two of those. And again I finished almost all the pages. I think I skipped one or so. You can see that in the video below.
In 2019 I tried to do it again but I only made a few pages. For these pages I have a picture collage below.
Just to get the inktober vibe working here I wil share two youtube movies with a flip through of my journals from 2017 and 2018.