Blast from the past: Book of Days 2014
My Book of Days Art journal:
Started with musical pages in my Book of Days post from the lessons by Effy Wild. First I made my own journal for these lessons. Using layers of paper and paint I decorated this journal. I had some plastic things from Christmas that I wanted to throw away. Saved only some gold glittered leaves and glued them to the cover. Ended up with a real nice looking art journal, if I may say so. It is not really finished because it needs a closure but I have no idea how thick it will get,
so I am saving that for later when it is completely full or may skip that.

Musical page about change for week 1
For my week 1 spread I used a drawing I made a while back and glued this to my background. My word for this year is Change. And for these pages I used a few rearranged lines of the lyrics from Winds of Change by the Scorpions

Another musical page for week 2
A musical page with a face on old printed music page and this poem
Even when I am very sad
There is always music in my head
Music makes me wanna play
And all worries be far away

Week 3 lesson:
In this weeks lesson I made a tree with a stencil and gesso. You get a nice raised image and that was what I wanted. So I made my own sort of stencil, I cut a tree out of a thicker piece of paper. Then used the cut out part on top of my blank pages as a mask and sprayed dilusions
Over this I used the stencil part a smeared gesso through the holes. Then flipped the pages and used the branches also as roots. With a small nozzle bottle I made gesso leaves. The tree was painted with acrylic paint and some gloss medium.
For the left page the tree that is visible there is my cut out tree mask I used for the dylusion spraying. Added a text where I used a translation of a text I used for some power cards I made for a course group in 2013. Here is a picture of these cards and my finished spread.

Week 4:
I did layers of dylusions spray and stencils. Made a drawing and then added black gesso over the background. Oh I love this technique. You can see the layer underneat it if you look against the light. My black gesso covered the dylusions but not if you put paint over the gesso. Then it bleeds and that is why I love dylusions so much. It gives such a special effect.

Week 5:
The week 5 lesson was about: What Feeds Your Soul. Well my soul is fed by being creative and by singing in popchoir. So this is my page.

Week 6:
Week 6 was a Mandala. It has been ages since I made a mandala and this one on the black background was so fun to make. Felt really centered and looked for a quote that represented that feeling. Found a quote by Lao Tzu:
At the center of your being you have the answer
You know who you are and you know what you want

Week 7:
Week 7 a page about your Soul Tribe

Week 9:
The theme for this week is Black and White. Starting with two black and white on paper printed pages (sealed them with clear gesso). After glueing them to the page, I used a bird stencil and the rest just came out of nowhere.

Week 10:
Theme of this week: Rest in what's right
A face on a bookpage and a background with bookpages. I was feeling totally chaotic when I made this, so the background is really busy. Busy with finding peace in the chaos.

Week 11:
The lesson was about guilty pleasures, but did not know what to do with that description at first. Then decided to make a page about crea material. Have way to many stuff and keep on buying more all the time.
Started with a background with black gesso and then acrylic paints and some fluid metallic paints. For the left page made a collage of pictures from my crearoom and gave that a border of washi tape.

Session 2 of Book of Days lesson 1
This first lesson of session 2 was about making a manifesto and using a picture of yourself.
I was feeling nostalgic, wanting to go back to the days where I did not have a filled brain with lots of clutter. My brain has always been like a supercomputer with lots of terrabytes, just storing and storing even all the negative things and without a good litter bin.
I found a quote by Christian D. Larson and used an old childhood picture of myself for this page.

Session 2 of Book of Days lesson 2
For the second week Effy was inspired by the song True Colors that Tamara Laporte and Gracie Howle sang for a water project. This week I almost copied Effy's example. It was all about colors and I liked mine so much that I did not want to cover the background up to much. I just used a little zinc white acrylic paint to make the background a little bit more white