Posts Tagged ‘Paper’
Leporello bookbinding: All about zigs and zags
Leporello bookbinding is such a fun way to make little books and also fun to use for your drawings or art journaling. Its all about playing with paper to make zigs and zags to fold a usely larger paper into one fold-out book.
Leporellos using old coasters:
It all started with a stash of coasters. I bought them very cheap and added paint to use them as coasters. But no matter what layer of varnish I used my cups and glasses kept sticking to them. And then I decided to use them as covers for books. I added an accordion folded inside of black paper and a broad ribbon closure. And now I have these fun Leporello's.

Leporello's using old gelliprints:
Do you already know that I love to make gelli prints. I play with old papers, paint and the gelli plate a lot. And everyone who has such a plate knows once you start......before you know it the whole table or even floor is covered with prints. Not all are masterpieces, usely I make a lot of backgrounds to use as collage material.
For these two leporello's I used a stash of gelli prints and glued them back to back to make the accordion inserts. Used greyboard and metallic paper to make the covers and made a ribbon closure.

A very large vacation leporello:
On my last vacation I had a few left over stripes of paper and decided to make a leporello. I found a little piece of paper with fish on it and used that for the covers. And made fish drawings inside of it (on one side, the other side is still blank 😉 )
Just to show you how big this giant leporello is, I will give you a picture of me holding it in my hand (or ....between my fingers LOL )

Hope I showed you that you can make these leporello kind of books in all sorts, sizes and with very little time. Recycle your paper, cartboard and ribbon then zig and zag and make some yourself.
See you next time online or even life