Blast from the past: Introduction
Blast from the past: Introduction
Under the title blast from the past I will post a weekly series of long posts about one subject. When I started blogging I started with a blogger site. After a few years when I was part of a group of budding artists (this was the art101 group) I made this wordpress website. I transfered my blogger posts to this website and deleted the blogger site to make it easier and have everything in one place.
But.....under the influence of the new privacy rules I completely checked my google acount and came across a map with 900 blogger pictures. I deleted a few of them (so happy I tried it out first and did not delete the whole map at once). I found out that by deleting the pictures in this map they also where gone in my blogposts. HELP.
So I thought about that and decided to copy all posts from 2012 en 2013 on my computer and delete them from the website. I now have about 56 blogposts from 2014 left where I need to insert the pictures again so I can delete my old blogger folder all together. A lot to do.
What to do with the old posts?
What will I do. Those first years contained a lot of my starting history in the field of art journaling and mixed media. And I wanted to do something with it. Not only keeping it for myself. Those first years i did a lot of ecourses and they influenced my artistic life a lot.
So with this blast from the past series I will share a lot of my first two years in a condenced form.
Where did my artistic life started?
Like I say in my about page and intro. I have always been creative. Did a lot of drawing, all kind of needlework, card making and more. For Christmas I gave handmade presents of all kinds.
But Art journaling and Mixed Media started with one book. This one:

I came across this book at the publisher Akasha because i used to buy a lot of mandala books there. Looked at the book and thought that is not for me. I am creative. I don't need this, but the book kept pulling me, and finally I bought it. A few months later I had a life meeting from the group Creatief Contact that Jenny de Bode started as a response to this book. (for the Dutch: the group still exists you can join here). And that was the start of my whole new creative life with art journaling, mixed media and book making.
I made an art journal page about Jenny and the start of my art journey and show that below.

Blast from the past weekly blogposts:
I will share weekly long blogposts starting august 6 from my art journeys in 2012 and 2013. Each post will have one ecourse or other theme. I am also making tutorials from some of the blogposts. mainly those where I share my complete process of making pages that where not related to art classes.
I had so much fun looking at these old posts and hope you have to0.
I will follow you?
Leuk Carla, dat je zo je oude blogposts weet te bewaren en ‘om te zetten’ in een geheel nieuwe serie! Ik blog zelf alweer bijna 10 jaar en neus nog regelmatig door mijn oude posts (ik had vanaf het begin een eigen wordpress blog/site en hoewel die in het begin een andere naam had is alles bewaard gebleven, je kunt via mijn blog – in het zijmenu – bij mijn oude posts komen. Ik heb niet de indruk dat veel mensen dat doen maar IKZELF doe dat nog regelmatig!) En ja, Jenny weet heel wat in beweging te krijgen 😉 Ik ben benieuwd naar je nieuwe posts/nieuwsbrief!
Leuk Carla. Ik ga je zeker volgen.
Oh Carla wat raakt me dat om hier te lezen wat ons boek en CC voor jou heeft betekend. Geweldig idee en een prachtige titel voor je nieuwe blog.xxxh
Ja blijft toch echt het begin van alles. En zo leuk om weer zelf ook door al die oude blogs te gaan. Kom zoveel leuk dingen tegen.